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The Case for EM Value

The Case for EM Value

For Bargains, Investors Should Look to Emerging Markets
International Small Cap Update

International Small Cap Update

International small-cap stocks are attractively valued and have historically generated better returns than large caps.
China's Stimulus Boosts Investor Sentiment

China’s Stimulus Boosts Investor Sentiment

China recently announced several stimulus measures, mostly targeting the beleaguered property sector, which have been interpreted positively by investors.
Why Invest Outside the US

Why Invest Outside the US

While US and non-US equities are priced much differently today, non-US equities have the same historical return on equity and slightly lower historical revenue growth when compared to the US market.
The Small Cap Value Opportunity

The Small Cap Value Opportunity

US small caps are trading at their cheapest valuations relative to large caps in nearly twenty-four years, resulting in what we believe is a unique opportunity for investors to boost exposure to financially stable, small cap value stocks, that are projected to grow earnings at a faster rate than their large cap peers.


Many investors opt for "value-light" strategies that sacrifice key value principles. This essay demonstrates value investing’s superior returns compared to growth and value- light strategies, dispels risk misconceptions, and exposes the flaws of indexing value.
Energy Transition Update (Q2 2024)

Energy Transition Update (Q2 2024)

The mainstream energy transition narrative has evolved in light of recent social, political, and economic shifts. Our approach to researching and analyzing our investments has remained consistent, as we continue to dynamically analyze the credibility of company transition plans.
Highlighted Holding: Humana

Highlighted Holding: Humana

We believe Humana is among the best-positioned managed care organization to capitalize on the long-term structural growth of Medicare Advantage enrollment given management’s renewed focus on profitability over growth at any cost.
Cable car hanging above a Brazilian city.

Brazilian Equities: Unveiling Undervalued Opportunities

Despite two years of strong performance, the MSCI Brazil Index continues to trade below its pre-COVID level. Asset quality has remained strong, and we view the current valuation as compelling.
Highlighted Holding: WH Group

Highlighted Holding: WH Group

We believe the market is overlooking Hong Kong-based WH Group’s high-cash-generating core business, focusing instead on far less material, and likely transitory, headwinds, thereby resulting in a compelling valuation.
Japan Overhead Skyline at Night

Japanese Corporate Governance Reform (1Q24)

In the wake of the Tokyo Stock Exchange governance reforms, we remain focused on how companies are improving their governance structures to create shareholder value.
Medical image

Highlighted Holding: Baxter International

We believe the material valuation discount for Baxter International, a vital supplier of medical products and devices, is unjustified.
The Case for International Value

The Case for International Value

Despite the strong performance of international equities in 2023, the valuation disparity between US and non-US equities remains wide.
Global Banks — Where We Stand

Global Banks — Where We Stand

We maintain high conviction in our financial holdings despite the macroeconomic challenges facing the sector.
True Costs of ESG: Cobalt/EV Supply Chain Case Study

True Costs of ESG: Cobalt/EV Supply Chain Case Study

This case study explores the hidden social (and ultimately financial) costs related to the mining of cobalt, a critical component of EV batteries.
Energy Transition

Energy Transition

We believe the businesses we own are well-positioned for the global energy transition, as the world gradually shifts away from carbon-intensive fuels towards cleaner energy sources.
Magnification of distant object

The Case for Global Small Cap

Global small-cap stocks are attractively valued, offering a diverse and undiscovered universe of opportunities.
A Value Allocation to EM

Thinking Strategically About a Value Allocation to Emerging Markets

A valuation-based approach has worked better in emerging markets than the developed world.
Value Investing Reigns in Emerging Markets

Value Investing Reigns in Emerging Markets

Value investing has proven to be an extremely reliable approach, outperforming 78% of the time based on rolling five-year periods since 1992.
Markets Decline. Then They Rebound

Markets Decline. Then They Rebound

With looming uncertainty in the US, market drawdowns have entered bear market territory.
Value Stocks Can Continue To Lead

Value Stocks Can Continue To Lead

Geopolitical shocks have usually been short-term in nature. We believe fundamentals for an enduring value cycle remain intact.
The Time is Now: International Small Cap Value

The Time is Now: International Small Cap Value

International small capitalization stocks warrant further attention from investors seeking a diversifying and distinctive asset class with superior return potential.
Investing Arithmetic

Investing Arithmetic: Find the Price Skew That’s in Your Favor

Using basic investing arithmetic, we can estimate the macro and company forecasts necessary to yield market-like returns over the next decade.
Opportunity in Emerging Markets After Drawdowns

Opportunity in Emerging Markets After Drawdowns

Uncertainty creates value opportunities in emerging markets. Severe underperformance by specific emerging-market countries has historically created fertile hunting ground for alpha generation.
The Value Cycle is Underway

The Value Cycle is Underway

Our research shows typical trends during the early stage of this value rotation. After an impressive rebound from pandemic lows, the rally took a pause this summer.
Long Term Facts

Stay Focused on Long Term Facts

It’s important to stay focused on the long-term facts. International (ex-US) value beats the market and deep value stands alone at the top, time and again.
Road to Normal

Road to Normal International Value

With valuation spreads in non-US markets remaining near all-time highs, we believe deep value stocks offer an excellent risk/reward profile.
Emerging Markets vs Developed Markets

Time to Look for Value in the Emerging Markets?

As economies gradually reopen, valuations look favorable in emerging markets relative to the rest of the world.
Recent Events Have Set up a Classic Value Opportunity

Recent Events Have Set up a Classic Value Opportunity

Valuation spreads between the cheapest and most expensive stocks are at or near all-time highs.
the value cycle is intact

The Value Cycle is Intact

Inflation, its effect on the market, and its implications for our portfolios have been frequent topics in recent client conversations.
What's Your Value?

What’s Your Value?

Being in the value index doesn't necessarily make it a true value investment. Indices don't consistently differentiate between value and growth styles.
The Utility of ESG Scores

The Utility of ESG Scores

There is a stronger relationship between investment performance and a company’s potential for ESG improvement as compared to the company’s ESG score.
Feeling Underexposed? Value in Emerging Markets

Feeling Underexposed? Value in Emerging Markets

Value in emerging markets has produced superior returns to growth over time and better relative returns vs. developed markets.
Earnings Growth and Momentum

Earnings Growth and Momentum

Value has recently trounced the broader stock market, and we believe there may be plenty of support for the value rally to continue.
Energy Investments in a Zero-Carbon World

Energy Investments in a Zero-Carbon World

Oil and gas companies can continue to thrive as the world moves toward decarbonization and the expansion of renewables.
The Beginning of the Value Cycle?

The Beginning of the Value Cycle?

Value is finally starting to outperform, with deep value leading the way. But the opportunity is far from behind us.
Giving Credit: Emerging Markets Banks

Giving Credit: Emerging Markets Banks

At current valuations, banks in the emerging world present compellingly asymmetric investment opportunities.
Catalyst for Change: Disruption

Catalyst for Change: Disruption

Conventional wisdom says technological innovation hurts existing franchises. Yet strong incumbents adapt.
Catalyst for Change: Growth Expectations

Catalyst for Change: Growth Expectations

Another potential catalyst for the shift from growth to value: (Irrationally) exuberant growth expectations revert to normal.
Catalyst for Change: Interest Rates

Catalyst for Change: Interest Rates

If interest rates stop falling (even if they don't rise), we believe multiple expansion for growth stocks will end.
Catalyst for Change: Recession

Catalyst for Change: Recession

Value stocks have historically outperformed on average both during and subsequent to a recession.
Catalysts for Change

Catalysts For Change

Consider these four possible catalysts that could already be signaling a shift from growth to value.
Small Caps are Cheap, Small Cap Value is Even Cheaper

Double Dipping: Small Cap Value

Small cap stocks are cheap; small cap value is even cheaper.
Questioning Conventional Wisdom on Risk and Return

Questioning Conventional Wisdom on Risk & Return

How should we measure risk? We question short-term volatility as a proxy for long-term risk.
Global Banks: Resilience in the Face of Crisis

Global Banks: Resilience in the Face of Crisis

Against the volatile backdrop of today’s economic environment, bank stocks stand out.
Extreme Discounts in Oil Services

Extreme Discounts in Oil Services

Difficult market environments = fuel for value investors.
Volatility Wide Spreads and Value Stock Returns

Volatility, Wide Spreads, and Value Stock Returns

History suggests that in times of uncertainty, investing in undervalued companies pays off long term.
Value Outperformance Following Extreme Volatility

Value Outperformance Following Extreme Volatility

Extreme volatility has historically been conducive to small cap value outperformance.
Value is a Philosophy not a Factor

Value Is a Philosophy – Not a Factor

Rich Pzena discusses the difference between the value factor and value investing as a philosophy.
Value Stocks Lead the Way

Initial Stages of Recovery

Following each of the last five bear markets, value stocks outperformed one year from the trough.
Bear Markets Recoveries and Value Stocks

Bear Markets, Recoveries, and Value Stocks

In the midst of heightened investor fears, it's helpful to examine the historical context of recoveries.